Pussy Juicy from Russia has big fat pussy lips she shows us

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The greatest name for an adult model ever! This is a Russian model that choose the name, Pussy Juicy. We were so excited to meet her and get to know her as that name really intrigued us when it cam... Read Moree across our desks. Surely a name like that was chosen for a reason. And we had to assume that the reason for the name was perhaps what lovers had called her when they found how juicy her pussy was. A juicy pussy is of course a fantastic pussy and we were excited to see if this hot young Russian model really had a juicy pussy. She started off her shoot today choosing to wear some very pretty clothes, a lovely spring dress. And she liked the idea of sitting in a library full of books as the back drop. She choose a book to look through as we got ready to shoot and then we turned on the camera and she was already playing with her tits over her dress. She then slid her hand in her dress and started to play with her nipples. She even pulled her nipples out to play with them. She was getting ready for us and we just watched in silence. She then decided she had had enough of the dress and she pulled her dress off over her head and showed us her cute boobs. She sat back down and had one hand on a nipple and one hand she reached down to play with her pussy. This was what we were here for! She spent a lot of time on her nipples, massaging them. We think that must be her most sensitive spot as her pussy began to moisten up. She then slid her panties off and started to play with her very large pink pussy lips. Guess what she did next for us? Go see!
- 15:38
- March 16th, 2023
- 118
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