Pussy Juicy reaches into her panties and starts to rub her clit for you

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This girl gives off a movie star vibe. She is Russian and has been her a couple of times before. Today she was bored and didn’t have anything to do so we asked her to come over and do whateve... Read Morer she wanted! We watched her fool around a while and we told her we would turn the cameras on and we could do a shoot. She could make some money and we would get to see her sexy hot body. She agreed and got on the treadmill. Why was she on it? She was just in one of those moods. We love Pussy Juicy and we love that she likes to just be crazy and do anything. After a few minutes she decided she was a little hot and had had enough of that exercise stuff. She sat down and told us she was wet and wanted to take off her clothes. She then grabbed her tits? Yeah, that was odd but we were not complaining as she pulled off her top and grabbed her tits and closed her eyes. She was enjoying herself and we were not going to stop her. She looked up at us and we knew what she wanted to do next. She stood up and pulled her shorts off. Yes! and now she was topless and in her cute everyday panties. She looked like a little doll standing there half naked. She turned around and showed us her ass and then she reached down into her panties to rub her clit! Fuck, that was a good day!
- 16:59
- June 18th, 2023
- 124
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