Tais Mersedes gets in the shower and washes her hot pussy and huge tits

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So, our members keep sending messages that they want more models that have big fat tits! So, we introduce a model that is going to satisfy our members appetite for hot women that have perfect tits.... Read More This is Tais Mersedes who is direct from Russia. She told us her boobs were C cup but we were not so sure as they were so big and from the photos she sent over we were sure she was bigger than that! We also have lots of members that really have a fetish for women in the bath washing their big fat juicy tits! So, we talked to our most recent hire and asked her how she would feel about doing a hot shower show for us. We got the shower ready and showed her where she could shower and she was game. She didn’t need to strip off her clothes, she could just get in the shower and show us how she likes to wash her hot body when she is alone at home and no one is there to watch her get intimate with herself. So, she hops in the bathroom and right off the bat she is standing in front of the mirror in her panties and t-shirt playing with her tits! She pulls her top off and fuck! Those tits are so perfect the way they fall and hang! She pulls off her panties and checks herself out in front of the mirror and then she is ready to go! She gets in the shower and then the hot water show begins! Go see for yourself, you are going to love Tais.
- 17:16
- June 30th, 2023
- 127
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