Isabel Stern is a newcomer that wants us to watch her masturbate today

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More fresh meat to add to the Baberotica stable. Today we have Isabel Stern and she is a thin dirty blonde. Isabel is one of those quiet girls who just looks hot but doesn’t say much. She is ... Read Moreready to party when she walks in the door and heads right over to a chair to where we have the camera set up and takes off her sexy high heels and starts rubbing her legs to warm them up. Maybe she thinks it is cold in the studio, as she then starts rubbing her tits. She seems to like this as she gives out little moans of pleasure and then she pulls down the straps on her dress and shows us her sweet tits. She has no bra on, which is how we like our women. And then she just rubs and plays with her nipples for us as we all sit mesmerized by this new slender angel that has come in to play for us today. Isabel decides she wants her dress off so she stands up and shows us her black panties. She turns around and kneels on the chair and shows us her cute ass and plays with her panties pulling them up her ass crack and showing off her ass cheeks. She wants us to focus on her ass as she makes her panties into a thong. She reaches down and slips her fingers between her ass cheeks to get to her pussy and rubs it for us. She seems to really want to get into her ass so she pulls down her panties and stays kneeling on the chair as she reaches down in front and slips her fingers into her pussy as we watch from behind. She is enjoying the fingering and moaning as she gets more excited the wetter her pussy gets and the deeper her fingers probe deep inside her sweet hole. This is too much! Go watch the whole video to see what she does next.
- 16:46
- August 10th, 2021
- 99
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